Pictures courtesy of Ashok Khosla.

Las Gallinas Land of Many Wonders 11.06.05








For a "looks like it might rain" kinda day, that turned into non-stop birding excitement. I'm glad as many of you came up north as did. Las Gallinas is one of my favorite birding places in the bay area, and now you know why. Diversity and abundance.

Highlights: Birding by Ear had one diehard student of the art. We weren't disappointed. Golden-crowned Sparrows were in full voice. Fox Sparrows were chupping, and Hermit Thrushed were tsuping, an American Kestrel came a-keking, and we had our first encounters w/Clapper Rail and Virginia Rail for the day (but not our last).

The regulars were treated to a diversity of dabbling ducks. Cinnamon Teal the handsomest? Northern Pintail? Green-winged Teal? Mallard?!!!!!! Everyone should have a favorite duck. Raptor action brought us 8 species? or was it 9? Two falcons, two buteos, two accipiters, Northern Harrier, White-tailed Kite, and Turkey Vulture. O.k., 9. And pretty gorgeous looks at all of them. Neat "study" birds were provided by the Scaup (which one was it?), Pipit (which one?), Grebe (well?), and Dowitcher. And if we didn't have enough to look at, I had to try and drum up a couple of rails. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

BBE=Heard during "Birding by Ear" portion of the class.

ES = Early show (or, Seen during Birding by Ear portion of the class.

  1. Canada Goose
  2. Gadwall
  3. American Wigeon
  4. Mallard (BBE)
  5. Cinnamon Teal
  6. Northern Shoveler
  7. Northern Pintail
  8. Green-winged Teal
  9. Lesser Scaup
  10. Ruddy Duck
  11. Pied-billed Grebe
  12. Eared Grebe
  13. American White Pelican
  14. Double-crested Cormorant
  15. Great Blue Heron
  16. Great Egret
  17. Snowy Egret
  18. Black-crowned Night Heron
  19. Turkey Vulture – V is for Vulture. Wings held in a high dihedral.
  20. White-tailed Kite
  21. Northern Harrier
  22. Cooper's Hawk
  23. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  24. Red-tailed Hawk
  25. Red-shouldered Hawk
  26. American Kestrel (BBE)
  27. Merlin
  28. Clapper Rail
  29. Virginia Rail (thought it was going to jump on Ione's shoe)
  30. American Coot
  31. Killdeer (BBE)
  32. American Avocet
  33. Black-necked Stilt
  34. Greater Yellowlegs (BBE)
  35. Dowitcher spp.
  36. Least Sandpiper
  37. Ring-billed Gull
  38. California Gull
  39. Mew Gull
  40. Rock Pigeon
  41. Morning Dove (ES)
  42. White-throated Swift (Bonus flock; always a treat)
  43. Northern Flicker (ES)
  44. Acorn Woodpecker (ES/BBE)
  45. Black Phoebe (BBE)
  46. Say's Phoebe
  47. Loggerhead Shrike
  48. Western Scrub-Jay (ES)
  49. American Crow (BBE )
  50. Common Raven (BBE )
  51. Chestnut-backed Chickadee BBE
  52. White-breasted Nuthatch BBE)
  53. Marsh Wren (BBE / ES)
  54. Hermit Thrush ES/BBE
  55. Northern Mockingbird
  56. American Pipit
  57. European Starling
  58. Yellow-rumped Warbler
  59. Common Yellowthroat ES
  60. Spotted Towhee ES / BBE
  61. Lark Sparrow ES
  62. Dark-eyed Junco ES
  63. Fox Sparrow
  64. Song Sparrow
  65. White-crowned Sparrow
  66. Golden-crowned Sparrow
  67. Red-winged Blackbird
  68. Brewer's Blackbird
  69. House Finch
  70. Lesser Goldfinch ES / BBE

    Class cumulative Fall species total: Judeges are still working on these un-audited totals. Stay tuned! And you are marking these in your little blue books, aren't you?

    If I missed something, I'm completely relying on the team to remind me.

    bob power

    November 6th, 2005