Hi! I'm Ashok Khosla - welcome to www.khosla.com. This site host's the websites of family and friends.
The world's largest database of Inka khipus and drawings. |
Pictures of (mostly) California birds. Hope you find it inspiring. |
Ray Levine was my carving teacher and friend. Sadly, Ray passed away in early 2008. He wrote a memoir about his days as a B-17 bomber pilot with the 8th Air Force 305th Bombing Group. It is fascinating read. |
City of Boiled Beans is a journal I kept while creating a division of Apple Computer in India during 1995 to 1997. This site has been read by:
- Expatriates who are planning to work abroad, and want some "been there, done that" advice
- Engineering managers who are considering setting up a shop in India, or who want to outsource work to India
- Investors in foreign companies
- Tourists to India
- Indians who are interested in seeing how other cultures view India.
Whoever you are, we hope you enjoy it. |
Perhaps you were thinking of the distinguished Dr. Ashok Khosla, Founder and President of Development Alternatives in India, who is much more deserving of your attention? |
Another Ashok Khosla worthy of more attention than myself. |