Please click on the thumbnail or link to see pictures of the associated bird.. If you're trying to ID a bird, and need help, try this website. If you're looking for a particular bird, and can't easily find it, use the web browser's Find menu. Common names follow American Birding Association conventions.

Pipilo chlorurus
Pipilo maculatus
Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Pipilo crissalis
Aimophila aestivalis
Spizella arborea
Spizella passerina
Spizella breweri
Chondestes grammacus
Amphispiza bilineata
Amphispiza belli
Passerculus sandwichensis
Passerella iliaca
Melospiza melodia
Melospiza lincolnii
Zonotrichia leucophrys
Zonotrichia atricapilla
Junco hyemalis
Calcarius lapponicus
Plectrophenax nivalis