For the Birds >  Birding on the Edge > 

Please click on the thumbnail or link to see the species of the bird's family.
Common names follow American Birding Association conventions.


Yellow Warbler


Ash-Throated Flycatcher


Red-Tailed Hawk Chick


Northern Rough-Winged Swallow


Rock Wren


Lark Sparrow


Horned Lark


Western Kingbird

Birds photographed a few days later

Lawrence's Goldfinch


Yellow-Billed Magpie


Violet-Green Swallow


Turkey Vulture
Scavenging a Fawn

Some of the birds seen, but not photographed.

Lewis' Woodpecker






American Kestrel


Red-Tailed Hawk






Mourning Dove


Anna's Hummingbird


Nutall's Woodpecker


Barn Swallow


Chestnut-Backed Chickadee


Bewick's Wren


Northern Mockingbird


Red-Winged Blackbird


Bullock's Oriole











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