For the Birds
Birding on the Edge
Bird Index
What Was That?
New At The Patch
Please click on the thumbnail or link to see species of the associated bird's family.
Common names follow American Birding Association conventions.
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Three Drivers
Two Photographers
Photographer Hug
Fearless Leader
Birder Hours
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Clark's Grebe
Swainson's Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Black Swift
White-Throated Swift
Calliope Hummingbird
Black-Chinned Hummingbird
Downy Woodpecker
Red-Breasted Sapsucker
White-Headed Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Willow Flycatcher
Gray Flycatcher
Say's Phoebe
Western Wood-Pewee
Vermilion Flycatcher
Ash-Throated Flycatcher
Tree Swallow
Plumbeous Vireo
Mountain Chickadee
Pygmy Nuthatch
Cactus Wren
Canyon Wren
Rock Wren
Black-Throated Gray Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Hermit Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Mountain Bluebird
Townsend's Solitaire
American Robin
American Robin
Green-Tailed Towhee
Brewer's Sparrow
Black-Throated Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Summer Tanager
Western Tanager
Blue Grosbeak
Great-Tailed Grackle
House Finch
Red Crossbill
Pine Siskin
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