Traveling in Noida: Oct. 24th |
Ive been in New Delhi meeting with some government
ministers, and reviewing a potential partnership with a software firm in Noida, in Uttar
Pradesh state near Delhi. |
The drive to Noida through Uttar Pradesh is showing me a
new part of India. Buffalo replace cows here, and it is marvelous to me that the locals
have somehow managed to domesticate them to pull carts, and ploughs. I once was
photographing a buffalo with incredibly fearsome horns, and I got a little too close I
guess. The next thing I knew the water buffalo, all 2000 pounds of him, had jumped into
the air and ended up about three feet away, head down, and ready to charge. I slowly
backed away. You have to respect a one-ton creature that can jump that quickly. |
Sanjay Mehta |
We (Sanjay Mehta and I) saw many elephants with
chalk decorations on their head. Sanjay told me that he once saw an elephant get
sideswiped by an auto-rick. The elephant lost his cool, and kicked the auto-rick like a
soccer ball, the rick (and driver) tumbling over and over till it came to rest several
feet away. Like cockroaches running from a kitchen light, the other auto-ricks immediately
took off in terror. The elephant was still angry, though, so he found as many bicycles as
he could, and sat on them. |
Animal control means something entirely different out here. |