Use What You Have: Oct. 25th |
Today we had to duplicate our house keys for Prataps apartment and
for our house in Indiranagar. Jude decided that we should have them duplicated in
Shivajinagar, which I clued in was his home base. First there were the classic
negotiations with the key chap. "2 hours sir " (for 14 keys), "No , 1
hour" - "Ok sir, no problem sir". The key guy promptly started. Keys in
India use technology that is about 3 centuries old. I was now about to see why. The guy
takes the first key, a mind and body numbing 6" shank with a rectangular tooth set,
looks at his available blanks and finds one roughly about the same size, plus or minus an
inch. He then looks at the original key, and decides his blank is thicker - no problem, a
few whacks with his hammer against an anvil, and a little filing, and presto, the right
thickness. Next he hacksaws the blank to fit the same size section as the master. Time to
actually cut the teeth. He puts his vise between his feet, and anchors it securely. Then
he eyeballs the master, and hacksaws the blank to be roughly about the right size. More
filing. The actual duplicate was about 1 or 2 mm off in places. "No problem,
sir". It wasnt - the key fit in the lock and worked just fine. The cost was 15
rupees per key (about 50 cents). Sue and I decided that the next hour and a half would be
better spent wandering about the neighborhood. It was largely Moslem, since there was a
beautiful mosque at the base of all the shops. We wandered by a place called "Moon
Terrace Ass", then later into a street of Christian undertakers. The shops had names
like "Death-Box Godown", selling cheap black caskets, or "Death
Delivery", which had an old 1940 hearse, with an ornate cast iron roof rack for
carrying the casket. |
An hour later, the keys were done. I did a drawing of an old shopkeeper to
pass the time. He wasnt amused, and was downright hostile. "Why", he
wondered aloud to Jude, "would I draw something for free. How could I be that
stupid?" Oh well. The paper was picked up from the seller next door, who tore apart
office papers, and separated them by color for recycling. Next door was the local home
depot, a group of muslim men smoking pipes, wrapped in turbans, and selling chisels which
they were calmly making by grinding away pieces of rebar. Sue says she now understands why
the medical folks say bring your own syringes. |