Predictability: Nov. 1st
Ravi told us a story about predictability in India About 9 years ago, when Ravi was part of the crew starting Texas Instruments in India, Ravi was responsible for the visit of two very senior VPs from TI. Special preparation was required for these two American bigshots. The VPs had their own Lear jet, which required special permissions to land here at the Bangalore airport. The VPs had to be driven to and from the TI facility, so a car had to be obtained. Ambassadors were not going to cut it; Ambassadors are rated by their ability to withstand potholes per hour, not by kilometers per hour, or any other American rating system. The only two Mercedes in Bangalore were found and rented two because one might be needed as a spare. Afraid that the Mercedes might be grabbed for something else, and not be returned in time, Ravi rented them for two days before and after the event. Then he got the cars and drivers on the runway and practiced. The VPs would get off the plane, Ravi would wave his hand, and the drivers would come to the plane. Practice, and more practice, and Ravi was convinced that everything would go off smoothly. The important day arrives, the plane lands, the VPs step off the plane, Ravi waves his hand, and no Mercedes comes across the tarmac. Another try, still no Mercedes. Ravi’s friend has a broken down Ambassador that he can use to chauffeur the two VPs (Ravi only has a scooter). So out of necessity, the two VPs go off in a typical bucket of bolts. Fifteen minutes later the Mercedes show up on the tarmac. "Where the hell where you?" Ravi asks. The indifferent reply: "Tea break, sir".
Today is a holiday. In this case it is the Karnataka Independence State day. We average about 2 holidays a week. We woke up today to a bugle and drum corps parade at 6 in the morning. The trumpets were playing Indian music, and the jungle birds, and dogs immediately joined in the ruckus.